
Communiquez au sommet

Il y a la personne qui communique, avec sa personnalité, ses intentions, dans un contexte précis, cool ou plus formel. Il y a celles qui reçoivent ses propos, dans un état d’esprit, avec certaines attentes et une disponibilité de temps de plus en plus réduite. L’art du coach est de vous amener à bien saisir les variantes et de vous aider à communiquer de manière optimale, au sommet de votre potentiel.

Mobilisez votre plein potentiel

Présence à l'écran

Texte à développer

La voix à la radio et dans les podcasts

Texte à développer

Occuper toute la scène

Texte à développer

Agir en petits groupes

Morbi interdum mollis sapien. Sed ac risus. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet, lectus arcu pulvinar risus, vitae facilisis libero dolor a purus. Sed vel lacus. Mauris nibh felis, adipiscing varius. Suspendisse ac urna. Etiam pellentesque mauris ut lectus.

Un parcours adapté à vos besoins

Clarté, méthode, plaisir, efficacité.

En quelques phrases, j’expliquerai ici les bases de mon approche. Identification des aspects spécifiques à améliorer.

L’apport le plus important de ma formation se trouve cependant dans les dimensions psychologiques de la communication. C’est là que les trente ans d’expérience font la différence.

À distance et présentiel

Peu importe le parcours, une bonne partie de la formation peut se faire à distance. Et selon vos besoins, en personne.

Votre implication est essentielle

Nos rencontres, virtuelles ou en présentiel, représentent une petite partie de la formation. L’essentiel se concrétise entre les séances de travail.

Exercices, simulations, rétroaction

La communication, c’est comme la musique. Il faut faire beaucoup de gammes et d’arpèges avant de se lancer dans un concerto. Techniques de base, préparation, simulation, rétroaction. Tout est dans la méthode.

Heures flexibles

Je ne prends que peu de mandats de manière à demeurer le plus disponible possible.

Une approche adaptée à vos besoins

Clarté, méthode, plaisir, efficacité

Comprendre la situation

Éléments techniques



Analyse et suggestions

Il n'y a pas deux situations de communication semblables. À première vue, cela peut être

Visual storytelling is a dynamic approach to content creation that transcends the limitations of static images. This section will delve into the techniques of using visuals to tell a compelling story. We'll discuss the strategic use of imagery, infographics, and even the narrative potential of comics. By understanding the synergy between visuals and storytelling, you'll gain insights into creating content that captivates your audience.

You'll learn about tools like Canva and Adobe Spark that simplify the creation of visually compelling content.

To make your journey into visual storytelling smoother, we'll introduce you to user-friendly tools like Canva and Adobe Spark. These platforms empower even those without extensive design backgrounds to craft visually stunning content. From graphic design to infographics, you'll discover how these tools can elevate the visual appeal of your narrative.

Videos are a powerful medium for engaging your audience. In this tab, we'll cover the basics of video marketing, from planning and scripting to filming and editing.

Unlock the potential of video marketing by delving into its fundamental aspects. From initial planning and script development to the intricacies of filming and editing, this section will provide a comprehensive guide to crafting impactful videos. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your existing video strategy, we'll explore the key elements that contribute to successful video marketing campaigns.

You'll learn about video hosting platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, as well as strategies for embedding videos on your website to maximize reach and impact.

Understanding where and how to share your videos is crucial. We'll discuss popular video hosting platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo, and provide insights into embedding strategies that ensure your videos reach a broader audience. Maximize the impact of your video content with effective distribution strategies.

Infographics become even more engaging when they're interactive. In this tab, we'll explore tools and techniques for creating interactive infographics that allow users to explore data and information dynamically.

Take your infographics to the next level by making them interactive. This section will guide you through the process of creating dynamic infographics that enable users to explore data interactively. We'll discuss tools like Tableau and Datawrapper, unraveling the possibilities of transforming static information into a captivating and user-driven experience.

We'll discuss platforms like Tableau and Datawrapper, guiding you through the process of transforming static content into an interactive experience.

Get hands-on with interactive infographic creation using platforms like Tableau and Datawrapper. Through step-by-step guidance, you'll learn how to breathe life into static content, making it more engaging and memorable for your audience.

Podcasts have gained immense popularity, offering a unique way to connect with your audience. In this tab, we'll discuss the essentials of starting a podcast, including recording, editing, and hosting.

Podcasting is a powerful medium for building a deeper connection with your audience. This section will cover the essentials of starting a podcast, from the initial stages of recording and editing to the intricacies of hosting. Whether you're a novice or looking to refine your podcasting skills, we'll provide insights and practical tips to help you navigate the podcasting landscape.

We'll explore platforms like Anchor and Podbean, and provide tips for promoting your podcast on your website and beyond.

Discover podcast hosting platforms such as Anchor and Podbean, and learn effective strategies for promoting your podcast. From embedding episodes on your website to expanding your reach through promotional activities, this section will equip you with the tools to make your podcasting journey successful.

Harnessing the creativity of your community can elevate your content strategy. In this tab, we'll explore strategies for encouraging user-generated content, from social media campaigns to interactive features on your website.

Your community is a wellspring of creativity. Learn how to tap into this resource to enhance your content strategy. This section will explore diverse strategies for encouraging user-generated content, ranging from social media campaigns to interactive features on your website.

We'll discuss moderation tools and techniques to maintain a positive and engaging community space.

As you encourage user contributions, it's crucial to maintain a positive and engaging community space. This part of the tab will guide you through effective moderation tools and techniques, ensuring that user-generated content enhances rather than detracts from the overall community experience.

Du charisme

Du charisme

Voilà une notion qui m'a toujours beaucoup amusé. Le charisme. Je tenterai une définition. Et quelques explication.


Un premier pas

Envoyez-moi un mot et faites-moi part de vos questions. Vous pourriez aussi me dire de quelle façon vous souhaiteriez que nous communiquions: courriel, cellulaire, Zoom, Teams, etc. Vous pouvez compter sur une réponse rapide de ma part. Tout ceci sans aucune obligation de votre part, bien entendu.

Réjean Gaudreau

Coach en communication orale dans les médias et en public.

Télévision et web

Radio et podcast

En public, conférence, etc

Développement personnel



514 992-3432